Cover-UP Kelly

Look, there’s a lot out there about Ed Kelly and how he conducts himself personally and professionally that should make any serious person doubt his ability to lead the IAFF…

1. He told members directly that he would not retire from his “job” in Boston if elected to GP – he currently doesn’t even do the job of GST full time but rakes in half million between his two salaries and sticks the members with his “commute” bill.

2. We know he has actively recruited and run up a monster bill with anti-union lawyers, giving them access to IAFF financials to carry out his personal political agenda based on lies.

3. As GST, he’s paid family friends and relatives hundreds of thousands of union money and will likely double down on hiring more if he is elected GP

4. He knowingly damaged the IAFF and our brand to further his own political career, putting himself before the union, and now he wants to be rewarded for it.

…but now through our confidential link we’ve heard it’s the latest report from our own auditors, tasked with determining the financial stability of the IAFF, that spells out exactly why Edzo should not only be disqualified from running for GP but removed from his position as GST before he does any more damage.

The auditors found “Material Weaknesses”, which in accounting speak means GST Kelly failed to do his job. IAFF leaders have called it the worst audit report they’ve ever seen. This is all on GST Kelly’s watch as our fiscal manager.

According to investment pros, and what’s in the () below from our friends, material weaknesses may result in both reputational risk and increased costs associated with the following:

External audit fees may increase to compensate the auditor for any incremental procedures performed to address the material weakness. (ALREADY HAPPENED)

Legal fees may rise with increased legal advice and support. (ALREADY HAPPENED TO THE TUNE OF OVER $2 MILLION LAST YEAR)

Financiers may find lending too risky, jeopardizing the company’s chances of getting loans or getting loans at a reasonable and competitive interest rates.

Executives and Governing Boards may come under fire for lack of oversight and governance. (YA THINK?)

The most concerning WEAKNESS is that the GST’s office overrode the constitutionally mandated approval processes to cover up his constitutional violations of submitting unbelievably late expense reports so he could be reimbursed for those unapproved expenses for himself (remember his over $40 THOUSAND in really late expenses?)

Let me repeat that – Ed Kelly used the power of his office to reimburse himself and his staff without going through the correct approval process, which in any other world would get him fired.

So let’s spell this out one more time.

GST Kelly – the IAFF’s financial manager – is not only directly responsible for making charges he can’t support with facts or truth and leaking those trumped-up claims to the press, smearing his union’s reputation, HE ALSO FAILED AT THE JOB OF PROTECTING THE IAFF FROM FINANCIAL HARM, EITHER OUT OF SHEER STUPIDITY OR WILLFUL MALFEASANCE.

Edzo likes to talk about “truth to power,” he just doesn’t realize you actually need some truth. So, here’s some actual truth to power (or at least a cool metaphor that gives you a good visual).

Ed Kelly is an arsonist. He torched his union’s reputation. He burnt down our IAFF house. He mismanaged the office of GST (his job). When asked about any of it, he blames other people for what he’s fucked up.

That’s why he and his bully buddies are now calling around trying to strongarm people into voting for his coup of the IAFF to cover up for his misdeeds.

You can’t say you didn’t know who he really is if you vote for this guy. Just remember, there’s a saying – “you reap what you sow.”