He's a Waster, a Fraudster and an Abuser

Here's a little story about IAFF members dues money, Boston taxpayer money, and waste fraud and abuse.

We pay our General Secretary-Treasurer over $300,000 a year to manage our hard-earned dues dollars and our union's budget.

Edzo takes that job so seriously, he does it part-time.

The rest of the time he’s playing Boston jake and commuting between Washington, DC, and Beantown and charging IAFF members for the flights according to his own receipts.

He is raking in half a million dollars a year with two big pensions coming to him- on the backs of the citizens of Boston and the hard-working members of the IAFF who he says he respects soooo much. Yet he assumes IAFF members should be paying for him to work as a firefighter in Boston and that Boston taxpayers should be paying for him to work as a GST for the IAFF?

Edzo also talks about transparency like it's some God-given gift he and he alone can grant the IAFF. Where's the transparency on his IAFF member paid for commuter flights, his two full-time salaries and his two pensions? How about some transparency on his dues paid Cadillac Escalade (and XM radio!) and member money expense account that buys dinners for his pals in Boston and all across Mass?

This is corruption. He doesn't talk about it because he's too busy pointing at others and shouting "corruption".

How can this be what we want in our next General President?

When you're screaming about someone else's pension and spending, shouldn't you at least be a little clean on the issue? Edzo's already dirty on it. Yet somehow some "leaders" are supporting him as the president and future of our union endorsing his illicit behavior as some kind of "new day" for our union.

It's time for Edzo to be called out for his own pension and salary abuse. Because make no mistake, more of Edzo's corruption is what we have to look forward to if this charlatan gets elected.